Big Horn Sheep along Highway 50 just west of Royal Gorge near Canon City. I can basically say if you are heading to Colorado in April this stretch of highway you are guaranteed in seeing these sheep or along highway 70 near Idaho Springs.
Well I learned a lesson about scheduling trips, DO NOT schedule anything in May! Is it just me but Minnesota has to many freaking bird festivals! On May 19th you can sit on David Sibley's lap at the Detroit Birding Festival or you can shoot over to Ashland Wisconsin and sit on Julie Zickefoose's lap or you can go and sit on Laura Erickson's lap at the Ramsey MN. Birding Festival. Then there's the freaking St. Louis Co. Birdathon sponsored by Hawk Ridge! Hey IF you want to sit on my lap, I have a Lake Superior Boat Trip from 8-12:30pm going on and you can read more about these boat trips by going to my website but I am not a author! Sitting on well known author's laps is something I came up after several visits to Birdchick's blog. Basically after every birding festival Sharon Stiteler attends, Sharon has photos of herself sitting on some author's lap. Jealous Mike? You bet I am! LOL
So if I do not get 6 more people on the May 19th boat trip I will cancel the trip and do a big sit instead and break the record and be really REALLY famous and then everyone will want to sit on my lap! I have place all figured out and my big sit will have nothing to do with the freaking birdathon. Hell, since they have a new rule in place that you do not have to there on Sunday with your totals in hand, I might just call in some high number to win a prize! You know a coupon at Wild Bird Store or a fancy Hawk Ridge T shirt! Maybe a free cup of coffee and a sweet roll at the Coffee Cabin

Nice place to live! This is a old home or some building in the Pawnee Grasslands. Pawnee Grasslands is a wonderful place to bird but if you hate dry winds and dusty roads then this place will be like hell to you.
Well the best thing about May 1 is Little League Baseball! I am coaching my son's team and after 3 years of coaching the minors the organization finally gave me decent ball players. I am totally convince that parents toss their kids in sports without asking the child to see if he or she is interested in playing baseball, basketball or soccer. Manyy times I had kids that were bored to tears with the sport their parent enrolled them in. These kids rather stare at the sky, play in the sand in the infield, chase each other around or pick the dandelions in the outfield rather than learning how to play baseball!
This year I got kids who want to play, parents who want them to play and finally I have talent kids that are coachable!! Young parents listen up do not sign up your kids to play sports if they are not interested! Do not think of your son's or daughter's team as a day care center where you can drop them off and let the coaches baby sit your kids! Coaches have no tolerance for kids who think team sports is just one big recess session!
So bring on May and Little League Baseball!
OH last weekend I was in Inner Grove Heights at Smiley High School. My daughter had a basketball tournament. She plays on U13 league and is enrolled in a mid AAU division. First game she scored 8 pts and 6 rebounds and the second game she did not feel good. The third game on Sunday she scored 5 pts and pulled in several rebounds. I was a proud daddy! I just hope the Duluth School system doesn't try to make Duluth into one high school! That would easily prompt us to send our kids to Marshall High School (My old high school) and pay the $9500 per year tuition or send her to Wrenshall or Proctor. I can see two high schools ( one in east side and the other in west side) but not one high school!
Birds? Well if you been reading the MOU listserv there are no migrants around and everything is coming in small trickles! Last weekend there were only 2 species of warblers seen on the Salt Lake Weekend! I finally have Chipping Sparrows and a White-throated Sparrow in my yard!! I have Tree Swallow nesting in one of my boxes, a Am. Robin on eggs in our apple tree. I might have another pair of chickadees in my other boxes but not sure on that.
There are tons of places all along the St. Louis River for shorebirds and birders there is a huge mud flat near the WLSSD Miller Creek mouth that looks real good for shorebirds. Also the boat launch at Park Pt. and Herding Island have huge mud flats. We'll see if they produce any shorebirds this spring.
That's about it
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